Saaren Taika natural cosmetics bar soaps

Hemmottele ihoasi hellävaraisella aurinkorasvalla☀️
Ainutlaatuinen probioottinen Aurinkovoide SPF 30 koostumus auttaa ylläpitämään ihon terveyttä ja tasapainoa.

Voit nauttia auringosta ja samalla pitää ihosi pehmeänä ja hyvinvoivana.
Osta heti -30%!

      The moisturizing Saaren Taika natural cosmetics bar soaps do not dry the skin, as many other bar soaps do.

      Almost all of Saaren Taia's bar soaps are also suitable for washing the face, and most of our bar soaps have already taken dry skin and face washing into account during the recipe development stage, because the product developer himself has atopic, dry and sensitive skin.

      In bar soaps suitable for the face, the balance of cleaning and moisturizing is precisely optimized, so that the soap is able to clean excess sebum from the skin without removing too much of the skin's own beneficial fats.

      Acne-prone skin in particular should be washed with mild soaps suitable for the face instead of oil cleansers, because a lot of oil can remain on the surface of the skin and clog pores, which in turn may cause more acne.

      29 tuotetta