
A pimple is an inflamed blackhead that occurs when bacteria that normally live on the skin start to grow and multiply in a blocked sebaceous gland.

How can I get rid of blackheads and pimples??

Treatment of impure skin

Clean impure skin in the morning and in the evening. The dirt, dust and air pollution accumulated in the skin pores during the day should be carefully cleaned in the evening, because the skin renews itself at night and is then most receptive to the active ingredients of skin care products.

The best way to avoid blackheads is their prevention with regular and careful skin cleansing, for which antibacterial Saaren Taika Activated Carbon Tea Tree Soap is a great choice.

Saaren Taia's light salicylic acid cream opens and reduces enlarged skin pores.

Remember moisturizing, whether your skin is dry or oily!

The skin should also be exfoliated regularly, as exfoliation removes dead skin cells, which may reduce the occurrence of blackheads and pimples. Saari Taika face scrubs help your skin to brighten and make it more receptive to the active ingredients of skin care products.

After peeling, always use a face mask for best results.

Below our skin expert's best product recommendations for treating impure skin!

Vain tänään 8.9.

Hamam-pyyhkeet -40%

Suurikokoiset ja pehmeät Hamam-pyyhkeet tunnelmallisiin saunailtoihin, lapsille kouluun tai mukaan otettavaksi vaikkapa salille.

Ole nopea, tarjoustuotteita rajoitetusti!

41 products

Nestemäinen Teepuusaippua pumppupullossa, kaikille ihotyypeille, erityisesti akneiholle

Liquid Tea Tree Soap IN A PUMP BOTTLE, antibacterial, moisturizing, 200ml - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €27,95 EUR
Inc. vat €5,41
Regular price Sale price €27,95 EUR
Inc. vat €5,41
Teepuusaippua, sopii mm. kutisevalle- tai akneiholle, antibakteerinen & kosteuttava

Tea tree soap, suitable for e.g. for itchy or acne skin, antibacterial & moisturizing - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €21,95 EUR
Inc. vat €4,25
Regular price Sale price €21,95 EUR
Inc. vat €4,25
Veera Salt Soap®, suitable for e.g. for rashes, acne and psoriasis skin, moisturizes and soothes the skin - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Veera Salt Soap®, suitable for e.g. for rashes, acne and psoriasis skin, moisturizes and soothes the skin - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €21,95 EUR
Inc. vat €4,25
Regular price Sale price €21,95 EUR
Inc. vat €4,25
Argan Ruusunmarja Luksus kasvoöljy & Tyrni Luksus Spa saippua -setti, sopii ruusufinni-iholle, 100% luonnollinen, vegaaninen - Saaren Taika
Sale 39%

Argan Ruusunmarja Luksus kasvoöljy & Tyrni Luksus Spa saippua -setti, sopii ruusufinni-iholle, 100% luonnollinen, vegaaninen - Saaren Taika

Regular price €44,14 EUR
Inc. vat €8,54
Regular price €71,90 EUR Sale price €44,14 EUR
Inc. vat €8,54
Aktiivihiili Teepuusaippua, sopii mm. epäpuhtaalle- tai akneiholle, antibakteerinen & kosteuttava

Activated charcoal Tea tree soap, suitable for e.g. for impure or acne skin, antibacterial & moisturizing - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €23,95 EUR
Inc. vat €4,64
Regular price Sale price €23,95 EUR
Inc. vat €4,64
Spot Control tehovoide näppyjä vastaan

Spot Control power cream against pimples, 100ml - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €49,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,67
Regular price Sale price €49,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,67
Ruusu-Aloe Kasvovesi - Saaren Taika Professional - Vegaaninen, Parabeeniton, Sulfaatiton

Rose-Aloe Face Water brightens and balances the skin, 150ml - Saaren Taika Professional

Regular price €35,95 EUR
Inc. vat €6,96
Regular price Sale price €35,95 EUR
Inc. vat €6,96
SAVE 40% Jojoba Tea tree face oil & Tea tree soap set, suitable for acne skin, 100% natural, vegan - Saaren Taika
Sale 40%

SAVE 40% Jojoba Tea tree face oil & Tea tree soap set, suitable for acne skin, 100% natural, vegan - Saaren Taika

Regular price €39,54 EUR
Inc. vat €7,65
Regular price €65,90 EUR Sale price €39,54 EUR
Inc. vat €7,65
Konjac aktiivihiili puhdistussieni - Syväpuhdistaa ja kosteuttaa ihoa sekä kuorii hellävaraisesti - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Konjac activated charcoal cleansing sponge - Deeply cleanses and moisturizes the skin and gently exfoliates - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €10,95 EUR
Inc. vat €2,12
Regular price Sale price €10,95 EUR
Inc. vat €2,12
Hyaluronihappo & Vitamiinit ACE Kosteuttaja, tasoittaa ihon rakennetta ja väriä, sopii akneiholle, vegaaninen, parabeeniton | Saaren Taika Ecolution

Hyaluronic acid & Vitamins ACE Moisturizer, evens skin texture and color, suitable for acne skin, vegan, paraben-free, 50ml - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €46,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,09
Regular price Sale price €46,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,09
Aloe Vera 2 in 1 kosteuttava kasvovesi, sis. kauraa & C-vitamiinia, hajusteeton - Saaren Taika Glowy skin

Aloe Vera 2 in 1 moisturizing face water, including oats & vitamin C, fragrance-free - Saaren Taika Glowy skin

Regular price €25,95 EUR
Inc. vat €5,02
Regular price Sale price €25,95 EUR
Inc. vat €5,02
Tea tree soap on a soap tray, 100% natural, 100% domestic
Sale 20%

Tea tree soap on a soap tray, 100% natural, 100% domestic

Regular price €28,68 EUR
Inc. vat €5,55
Regular price €35,85 EUR Sale price €28,68 EUR
Inc. vat €5,55
Appelsiini kamomilla aloe kasvovesi tasoittaa ihon sävyeroja
Sale 60%

Orange chamomile aloe face water evens out skin tone differences, 150ml - Saaren Taika Professional - Paraben-free, sulfate-free, vegan

Regular price €14,38 EUR
Inc. vat €2,78
Regular price €35,95 EUR Sale price €14,38 EUR
Inc. vat €2,78
Bakuchiol booster Luksus kasvoöljy, luonnon hellä retinoli, lisää kimmoisuutta, pigmenttihäiriöille, aknelle

Bakuchiol booster Luxury facial oil, natural gentle retinol, increases elasticity, for pigmentation disorders, acne, 30ml - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €59,95 EUR
Inc. vat €11,60
Regular price Sale price €59,95 EUR
Inc. vat €11,60
Kasvonaamio Aktiivihiili & Savi, mm. rasvaiselle- ja akneiholle, kosteuttava

Face mask Activated carbon & clay, e.g. for oily and acne skin, moisturizing, 100ml - Saaren Taika Professional

Regular price €50,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,86
Regular price Sale price €50,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,86
Veera Suolasaippua®, sopii mm. atooppiselle iholle, kutiavalle iholle, akneiholle, 100% luonnollinen, vegaaninen

Veera Salt Soap®, suitable for e.g. for rashes, acne and psoriasis skin, moisturizes and soothes the skin - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €21,95 EUR
Inc. vat €4,25
Regular price Sale price €21,95 EUR
Inc. vat €4,25
Jojoba & Teepuu suojaava kasvoöljy, erityisesti akneiholle, 100% luonnollinen, vegaaninen

Jojoba & Teepuu protective face oil especially for acne skin - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €45,95 EUR
Inc. vat €8,89
Regular price Sale price €45,95 EUR
Inc. vat €8,89
Kasvonaamio Vihreä Tee Ja Savi, hillitsee punoitusta ja turvotusta, kosteuttava

Face mask Green Tea And Clay, suppresses redness and swelling, moisturizing, 100ml - Saaren Taika Professional

Regular price €40,95 EUR
Inc. vat €7,93
Regular price Sale price €40,95 EUR
Inc. vat €7,93
24H kosteusvoide sekaiholle, sis. hyaluronihappoa & retinolia, talintuotantoa tasapainottava ja punoitusta vähentävä

24H moisturizer for combination skin, including hyaluronic acid & retinol, balancing sebum production and reducing redness, 50ml - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €36,95 EUR
Inc. vat €7,15
Regular price Sale price €36,95 EUR
Inc. vat €7,15
Konjac Aloe Vera cleansing sponge - Soothes reddened skin and moisturizes the skin and gently exfoliates - Saaren Taika Ecolution
Sale 60%

Konjac Aloe Vera cleansing sponge - Soothes reddened skin and moisturizes the skin and gently exfoliates - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €4,38 EUR
Inc. vat €0,85
Regular price €10,95 EUR Sale price €4,38 EUR
Inc. vat €0,85
Kamomilla Sheavoide - Ihottumiin ja kutinaan nopeasti tehoava luonnollinen tehovoide ei kirvele! Luomu, luonnollinen, vegaaninen  - Saaren Taika

Chamomilla Shea cream, soothing to the skin, suitable for e.g. for psoriasis, acne and eczema skin, 100ml - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €50,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,86
Regular price Sale price €50,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,86
Travel size Tea tree soap, suitable for e.g. for itchy or acne skin, antibacterial & moisturizing - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮
Sale 20%

Travel size Tea tree soap, suitable for e.g. for itchy or acne skin, antibacterial & moisturizing - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €15,16 EUR
Inc. vat €2,93
Regular price €18,95 EUR Sale price €15,16 EUR
Inc. vat €2,93
Aloe Retinoli kasvoseerumi, sopii ikääntyvälle sekä akneiholle, 50ml - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Aloe Retinol face serum, suitable for aging and acne skin, 50ml - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €46,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,09
Regular price Sale price €46,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,09
Auringonkukka Manteli puhdistusöljy herkälle iholle, hajusteeton, luonnollinen, vegaaninen

Sunflower Almond cleansing oil for sensitive skin, unscented, natural, vegan, 50ml - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €29,95 EUR
Inc. vat €5,80
Regular price Sale price €29,95 EUR
Inc. vat €5,80
Kollageeni A-vitamiini (retinoli) kasvovoide juonteita ja ryppyjä vastaan

Collagen vitamin A (retinol) face cream against pimples, lines and wrinkles, 100ml - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €50,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,86
Regular price Sale price €50,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,86
Sheavoita ja kauransiemenöljyä sisältävä Aloe Vera kosteuttaja antaa pitkäkestoista kosteutusta sekä auttaa rauhoittamaan herkkää ihoa

Aloe Vera 24H Moisturizer, incl. Shea Butter & Oat Seed Oil, 100ml - Saaren Taika Professional

Regular price €46,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,09
Regular price Sale price €46,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,09
Konjac Ruusu puhdistussieni - Hillitsee ikääntymisen merkkejä, kosteuttaa ihoa sekä kuorii hellävaraisesti

Konjac Rose cleansing sponge - Controls signs of aging, moisturizes the skin and gently exfoliates - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €10,95 EUR
Inc. vat €2,12
Regular price Sale price €10,95 EUR
Inc. vat €2,12
Juulia Salt soap, suitable for e.g. for atopic and itchy skin, softens the skin - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮
Sale 30%

Juulia Salt soap, suitable for e.g. for atopic and itchy skin, softens the skin - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €17,47 EUR
Inc. vat €3,38
Regular price €24,95 EUR Sale price €17,47 EUR
Inc. vat €3,38
Kevyt salisyylihappovoide avaa ja vähentää suurentuneita ihohuokosia sekä hillitsee tehokkaasti mustapäitä

Salicylic acid power cream against pimples - 95% natural, 50ml - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €50,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,86
Regular price Sale price €50,95 EUR
Inc. vat €9,86
Acai & Gojimarja mikrokuorinta kasvoille, sopii mm. akneiholle

Acai & Gojiberry micro-exfoliation for the face, suitable for e.g. for acne skin, 100ml - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €40,95 EUR
Inc. vat €7,93
Regular price Sale price €40,95 EUR
Inc. vat €7,93
Argan Ruusunmarja Luksus kasvoöljy, 30ml - Saaren Taika

Argan Rosehip Luxury face oil, 30ml - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €45,95 EUR
Inc. vat €8,89
Regular price Sale price €45,95 EUR
Inc. vat €8,89
Niasiiniamidi B3-vitamiini boosteri, supistaa ihohuokosiasi ja tasoittaa ihoasi - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Niacinamide 10% vitamin B3 booster, shrinks your pores and smooths your skin, fragrance-free - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €20,95 EUR
Inc. vat €4,05
Regular price Sale price €20,95 EUR
Inc. vat €4,05
30ml Kamomilla Sheavoide, ihoa rauhoittava, sopii mm. psoriasis-, akne- ja ekseema ihoille

35ml Chamomile Shea cream, skin soothing, suitable for e.g. for psoriasis, acne and eczema skin - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €30,95 EUR
Inc. vat €5,99
Regular price Sale price €30,95 EUR
Inc. vat €5,99
Sheavoi - Karitevoi, sopii mm. palaneelle iholle, ihottumiin, kuiville hiuksille, raskausarpiin, luufinneille

Shea butter - Shea butter, suitable for e.g. for burnt skin, rashes, dry hair, pregnancy scars, pimples, 100ml - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

Regular price €36,95 EUR
Inc. vat €7,15
Regular price Sale price €36,95 EUR
Inc. vat €7,15
Azelaic Acid Spot Gel 5%, lievittää tulehdusta ja ehkäisee punoitusta

Azelaic Acid 5% Spot Gel, relieves inflammation and prevents redness, 30 ml - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Regular price €36,95 EUR
Inc. vat €7,15
Regular price Sale price €36,95 EUR
Inc. vat €7,15
Manteli & Kaura - Syväpuhdistava kasvokuorinta, joka kosteuttaa

Almond & Oats - Deep cleansing face scrub that moisturizes, 100ml - Saaren Taika Professional - Vegan, Paraben-free, Sulfate-free

Regular price €40,95 EUR
Inc. vat €7,93
Regular price Sale price €40,95 EUR
Inc. vat €7,93

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