More about the product
Saaren Taika Ecolution Sea Buckthorn Marigold Shampoo strengthens hair and can also help control hair loss. It restores hair elasticity and shine and helps balance the sebum secretion of the scalp.
Verified customer feedback:
" My hair loss stopped like a brick with the Sea Buckthorn-Calendula shampoo and my hair feels wonderful otherwise. It's worth using, it's effective. Thank you!" -Terhi O.
“Buckthorn Marigold shampoo is a really great product. My scalp has been itchy and flaky for years . Because of my job, I have to wash my hair almost every day. I noticed the effect right after the first few washes. My head doesn't itch anymore and my hair feels much more alive. And my hair doesn't get greasy as easily anymore. I recommend it.” -Pirita
“My thin hair hasn't flattened at all and doesn't get greasy easily. My hair feels fuller and new hair has even started to grow! It's a really good product and has a rich lather! In short - a wonderful product!" -Kati V.
"My first order of Saaren Taika products included, among other things, the Sea Buckthorn Marigold shampoo and now I have to say that I have rarely been so satisfied with a shampoo, it really helps reduce hair loss . I recommend it." -Leena M.
Sea buckthorn marigold shampoo is a sulfate-free and silicone-free shampoo that is suitable for all hair types, but it is especially good for those who suffer from itching and those with oily or flaky scalps.
Sea Buckthorn Marigold Shampoo contains a wealth of natural plant extracts that stimulate scalp functions.
Sea buckthorn helps improve blood circulation and facilitates the penetration of important fatty acids into the deeper parts of the scalp. Sea buckthorn helps prevent infection and inflammation.
Rosemary helps strengthen hair follicles and can help reduce hair loss. It stimulates the scalp and can speed up the growth of new hair.
Lemon balm prevents excessive oiliness of the hair. It helps balance the production of sebum on the scalp and soothes irritated scalps. Lemon balm can also prevent hair loss and act as an effective antioxidant.
Burdock improves hair condition and strengthens it. It relieves scalp irritation and may promote hair growth.
Lavender may promote hair growth. It soothes an itchy scalp and can prevent dandruff.
Calendula helps balance the moisture balance of the scalp and helps prevent dandruff. It may help reduce hair loss.
Chamomile helps prevent dandruff and soothes the scalp, making hair more elastic and shiny.
Mint helps balance the moisture balance of the scalp and soothes an itchy scalp.
Horsetail is rich in minerals that strengthen hair strands and improve hair structure. The selenium in horsetail can help speed up hair growth.
Nettle can help prevent hair loss. It is antimicrobial and may also help prevent dandruff.
The silicone-free and sulfate-free shampoo gently cleanses hair without additional stress, maintaining the natural moisture balance of the hair and scalp. Sulfate-free, paraben-free and silicone-free shampoo is an ideal choice for more natural hair care.
Sea buckthorn shampoo is a natural product that is suitable for all hair types.
#CurlyGirl approved
Keywords: Sulfate-free shampoo, sea buckthorn flower shampoo, silicone-free and sulfate-free shampoo, silicone-free shampoo, shampoo, island magic shampoo, natural cosmetics shampoo, sea buckthorn shampoo, magic shampoo, sulfate-free shampoo natural cosmetics, sulfate-free paraben-free silicone-free shampoo
More about the product
Saaren Taika Ecolution Sea Buckthorn Marigold Shampoo strengthens hair and can also help control hair loss. It restores hair elasticity and shine and helps balance the sebum secretion of the scalp.
Verified customer feedback:
" My hair loss stopped like a brick with the Sea Buckthorn-Calendula shampoo and my hair feels wonderful otherwise. It's worth using, it's effective. Thank you!" -Terhi O.
“Buckthorn Marigold shampoo is a really great product. My scalp has been itchy and flaky for years . Because of my job, I have to wash my hair almost every day. I noticed the effect right after the first few washes. My head doesn't itch anymore and my hair feels much more alive. And my hair doesn't get greasy as easily anymore. I recommend it.” -Pirita
“My thin hair hasn't flattened at all and doesn't get greasy easily. My hair feels fuller and new hair has even started to grow! It's a really good product and has a rich lather! In short - a wonderful product!" -Kati V.
"My first order of Saaren Taika products included, among other things, the Sea Buckthorn Marigold shampoo and now I have to say that I have rarely been so satisfied with a shampoo, it really helps reduce hair loss . I recommend it." -Leena M.
Sea buckthorn marigold shampoo is a sulfate-free and silicone-free shampoo that is suitable for all hair types, but it is especially good for those who suffer from itching and those with oily or flaky scalps.
Sea Buckthorn Marigold Shampoo contains a wealth of natural plant extracts that stimulate scalp functions.
Sea buckthorn helps improve blood circulation and facilitates the penetration of important fatty acids into the deeper parts of the scalp. Sea buckthorn helps prevent infection and inflammation.
Rosemary helps strengthen hair follicles and can help reduce hair loss. It stimulates the scalp and can speed up the growth of new hair.
Lemon balm prevents excessive oiliness of the hair. It helps balance the production of sebum on the scalp and soothes irritated scalps. Lemon balm can also prevent hair loss and act as an effective antioxidant.
Burdock improves hair condition and strengthens it. It relieves scalp irritation and may promote hair growth.
Lavender may promote hair growth. It soothes an itchy scalp and can prevent dandruff.
Calendula helps balance the moisture balance of the scalp and helps prevent dandruff. It may help reduce hair loss.
Chamomile helps prevent dandruff and soothes the scalp, making hair more elastic and shiny.
Mint helps balance the moisture balance of the scalp and soothes an itchy scalp.
Horsetail is rich in minerals that strengthen hair strands and improve hair structure. The selenium in horsetail can help speed up hair growth.
Nettle can help prevent hair loss. It is antimicrobial and may also help prevent dandruff.
The silicone-free and sulfate-free shampoo gently cleanses hair without additional stress, maintaining the natural moisture balance of the hair and scalp. Sulfate-free, paraben-free and silicone-free shampoo is an ideal choice for more natural hair care.
Sea buckthorn shampoo is a natural product that is suitable for all hair types.
#CurlyGirl approved
Keywords: Sulfate-free shampoo, sea buckthorn flower shampoo, silicone-free and sulfate-free shampoo, silicone-free shampoo, shampoo, island magic shampoo, natural cosmetics shampoo, sea buckthorn shampoo, magic shampoo, sulfate-free shampoo natural cosmetics, sulfate-free paraben-free silicone-free shampoo
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Tyrni kehäkukka shampoo
Loistava tuote ohuille hiuksille, on vahvistanut paljon vaaleita, ohuita katkeilevia hiuksiani, ei lähde houksia enää niin paljoa kammatessa.Hiukset ovat entistä vahvemmat. Suosittelen lämpimästi.
Tyrni ja kehäkukka shampoo
Tilaan tätä vanhemmilleni. Äidilläni on hiustenlähtö normalisoitunut ja isäkin tykästyi tähän. Eivät aio enää vaihtaa muuhun.
Ei rasvoittuville hiuksille
Shampoo ei sovi rasvoittuville hiuksille, jättää tyvestä hiukset monta cm rasvaisiksi. Ei auta, vaikka pesisi 2 kertaa. Kuiviin latvoihin tosin toimii hyvin! Suosittelen kuivista hiuksista kärsiville.
Saaren Taika Shop
Hei. Kiitos arvostelustasi! Hienoa, että shampoo on toiminut sinulla kuiviin latvoihin! Rasvoittuvalle päänahalle ja rasvoittuville hiuksille suosittelisin Nestemäistä Teepuushampoota. Teepuushampoo sisältää puhtaasti uutettua ja laadukasta teepuun eteeristä öljyä, joka auttaa poistamaan liiallista rasvaa, hilsettä ja muita epäpuhtauksia hiuksista ja päänahasta. Voit halutessasi olla yhteydessä asiakaspalveluumme
Olen tyytyväinen , päänahan kutina helpottunut !
Kesäkukka shampoo
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