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Verified customer feedback:

"A nice-feeling massage brush. Pleasant material and easy to use , e.g. in the sauna" -Hanna H.

" I find the product very necessary, my scalp really needs its itchy, blood circulation-reviving touch when shampooing! A good, necessary product!" -Helen W.

An ecological bamboo massage brush that stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and pampers your scalp!

Made from high-quality, ecological bamboo, the massage brush has rubber massage pads. They are also gentle on the hair and scalp. Scalp massage effectively combines both mental and physical well-being.

There are many benefits to scalp massage

Massage promotes blood circulation in the scalp area, which can promote healthy hair growth and hair well-being, as good blood circulation to the scalp helps nutrients reach the hair follicles better. This also strengthens the hair follicles, which can reduce hair loss. Massage can also help relieve stress, and scalp massage is an effective way to relax. It can help you disconnect from everyday stress and relax overall, helping you feel calmer in your mood.

Massage increases blood circulation to the head area, which helps to relieve tension and stress. This can, in turn, relieve headaches and relax muscles.

The massage brush has a sturdy handle, making it easy to massage without any effort. The scalp massage brush can also be used in conjunction with shampooing, hair oiling and scalp exfoliation.

The handle of the scalp massage brush is made of bamboo and the head is made of silicone.

Get money by recycling empty packaging, download the Bower recycling app!

Saari Taika products now have a deposit! Take advantage of the deposit feature with the Bower smartphone app and earn points that you can exchange for money, use for coupons, or even donate to a charity of your choice.

How does Bower recycling work?

1. Download the Bower app to your mobile phone

2. When your Saaren Taika product has worn out, scan the barcode on the packaging at home and sort it. Scan the barcodes when you are ready to recycle.

3. Go to your nearest recycling point. Add your own bin or local recycling point to the Bower app if you can't find them on the map.

4. Redeem and redeem your points. Verify your location in the app. You will be rewarded with points or money to transfer to your bank account, donate to charity, or get a discount on your future purchases.

Bamboo scalp massage brush for scalp massage - Saaren Taika Decor

An ecological bamboo massage brush that accelerates the blood circulation of the scalp to pamper the scalp!

Confirmed customer feedback: "I like it! This has a nice "dry massage" scalp andcan also very well e.g. after applying the oil treatment to the scalp." -Anna-Maija J.

✓ Made of bamboo
✓ Promotes blood circulation and thus hair growth
✓ Eases tension

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Regular price €15,95
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Korkealaatuinen ja ekologinen bambu-hierontaharja lisää verenkiertoa ja auttaa helpottamaan kireyksiä ja jännityksiä.
Bamboo scalp massage brush for scalp massage - Saaren Taika Decor
Regular price €15,95
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Tax included.
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More about the product

Verified customer feedback:

"A nice-feeling massage brush. Pleasant material and easy to use , e.g. in the sauna" -Hanna H.

" I find the product very necessary, my scalp really needs its itchy, blood circulation-reviving touch when shampooing! A good, necessary product!" -Helen W.

An ecological bamboo massage brush that stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and pampers your scalp!

Made from high-quality, ecological bamboo, the massage brush has rubber massage pads. They are also gentle on the hair and scalp. Scalp massage effectively combines both mental and physical well-being.

There are many benefits to scalp massage

Massage promotes blood circulation in the scalp area, which can promote healthy hair growth and hair well-being, as good blood circulation to the scalp helps nutrients reach the hair follicles better. This also strengthens the hair follicles, which can reduce hair loss. Massage can also help relieve stress, and scalp massage is an effective way to relax. It can help you disconnect from everyday stress and relax overall, helping you feel calmer in your mood.

Massage increases blood circulation to the head area, which helps to relieve tension and stress. This can, in turn, relieve headaches and relax muscles.

The massage brush has a sturdy handle, making it easy to massage without any effort. The scalp massage brush can also be used in conjunction with shampooing, hair oiling and scalp exfoliation.

The handle of the scalp massage brush is made of bamboo and the head is made of silicone.

Get money by recycling empty packaging, download the Bower recycling app!

Saari Taika products now have a deposit! Take advantage of the deposit feature with the Bower smartphone app and earn points that you can exchange for money, use for coupons, or even donate to a charity of your choice.

How does Bower recycling work?

1. Download the Bower app to your mobile phone

2. When your Saaren Taika product has worn out, scan the barcode on the packaging at home and sort it. Scan the barcodes when you are ready to recycle.

3. Go to your nearest recycling point. Add your own bin or local recycling point to the Bower app if you can't find them on the map.

4. Redeem and redeem your points. Verify your location in the app. You will be rewarded with points or money to transfer to your bank account, donate to charity, or get a discount on your future purchases.

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Maija V.

Hierontaharja päänahalle

Erittäin mukavantuntuinen, hellä mutta tehokas päänahan hoidossa. Ei yhtään terävä.

Maarit F.

Ihana harja. Tuntuu " tuuheuttavan" hiuksia kun harjaa

Hanna H.


Mukavan tuntuinen hierontaharja. Miellyttävää materiaalia ja helppo käyttää myös esim.saunassa

Marjo P.


Pidän väristä. Hierontapiikit voisivat olla hivenen leveämmät ja pyöreämmät. Kahva voisi myös olla kätevä mistä saisi kiinni. Tuntuu ihan hyvältä kun käyttää mutta itselleni sopisi hivenen pehmeämpi materiaali, kun minulla on krooninen kiputila. Tuntuu myös päänahassa.

Tuula L.

Hiuspohjan hierontaharja

Oikein mukava ja nätti työkalu hiuspohjan virkistämiseen!


You have challenging skin, we have the solution. That's exactly why we exist.


Verified review

Hi! My adult daughter has really bad Psoriasis. I ordered her Chamomile Shea Butter, which I used. I have also used Veera Salt Soap. The picture before use was taken in February. The picture after use is now in March. The spots have lightened and the best thing is that the skin is not tight but elastic and the itching has clearly decreased. My daughter said that she threw this cream away!

Verified review

Hi! I have suffered from atopic dermatitis for about 7 years. From time to time something causes an inflammation and my face glows red. I heard about your tea tree soap from a friend and decided to try it. At first the soap didn't seem to help, but when I kept using it, the inflammation subsided and it slowly started to heal. I don't think I dare not use it anymore! Here are the before and after pictures: Before 3.7. and after 20.8.

Verified review

Before and after photos of our product tester after using the new certified natural cosmetics line Saaren Taika Natural Rose Water and Rosehip Camellia Face Cream for 2 weeks.