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A cleansing, refreshing and soothing skin care set for impure skin

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The skin care set for impure skin contains gentle but effective cleansing, pimple prevention and moisturizing products for daily care of impure skin.

Unclean skin often has e.g. pimples and blackheads. Impure skin can often also produce too much sebum, so the skin becomes greasy easily.

In the treatment of impure skin, the most important thing is products that clean effectively, but gently, as well as skin care products that also restrain the formation of new impurities.

Our expertise as developers of skin care products suitable for sensitive skin is top class, because I myself, the developer of our products, have very sensitive, dry and atopic eczema skin. In this skin care set, you will find skin care products for impure skin that are preferred and praised by our customers. See the end for easy instructions for your daily skin care routine.


Tea tree soap approx. 105g

Rose-Aloe facial lotion 150ml

Jojoba Oil & Tea Tree Facial Oil


When washing impure skin, the most important thing is products that clean effectively, but gently, as well as skin care products that also restrain the formation of new impurities.

  • Clean the skin with antibacterial and moisturizing Tea Tree Soap, which cleans the skin effectively. The antiseptic tea tree essential oil contained in the soap helps prevent skin inflammations and infections.
  • After washing, spray the brightening and balancing Rose-Aloe facial water to bring important water moisture to the facial skin and gently press it into your skin.
  • Finally, lightly massage Argan Roseberry Luxury face oil all over your skin. The heat helps the skin care products to be absorbed and the light massage increases the blood circulation of your skin and with it the supply of nutrients to your skin.


  1. Wet your face with lukewarm water.
  2. Dip the washcloth, dab some soap on it, dip the washcloth again and squeeze out the excess water, wipe the face gently all over, avoid getting the soap in the eyes.
  3. Rinse with plenty of lukewarm water. Avoid warm water, as it causes the pores to expand.
  4. Moisturize your face after washing with face water and moisturizer.


It is useful to exfoliate impure skin from time to time. Acai & Gojimarja micro-exfoliation contains Fuller's earth clay with detox effects, which absorbs impurities from the skin and helps remove dead skin cells, microbes and other residues from the skin. The gently exfoliating microscopic pumice grains remove dead skin cells, clean the skin pores and help clean the skin.

The activated charcoal mask absorbs excess oiliness and dirt from the skin, making the skin look brighter. Activated carbon is a well-tolerated ingredient that is suitable not only for oily skin, but also for sensitive, dry and combination skin. The sunflower oil in the mask contains vitamins A, C, D and E, which help reduce redness and swelling of the skin and prevent the clogging and expansion of skin pores.

See all cleansing and natural skin care products suitable for impure skin here


Saaren Taika products provide precise help for impurities

Deep cleansing of the skin with Saaren Taika products

How do I get rid of blackheads?

A big part of the production of natural cosmetics is an essential and big part of the structure of the skin and knowing the function of its different layers. This also involves identifying the signs of the most common skin diseases, the mechanism by which diseases occur, and cause and effect relationships. The knowledge of the functioning of the skin together with the knowledge of the working mechanisms of different raw materials gives us an excellent basis to help with various skin disorders.

Sometimes the condition of the skin can also be affected by other factors, such as diet, medication, stress or an illness, in which case a more comprehensive reflection is needed on what are the causes of the condition of the skin and what are the best ways to influence those causes in order to get the benefit that is expected from the skin care products.

It is important to contact us directly if you have a skin problem for which no help has been found. In this case, we are best able to map out the individual situation, so that we can examine the everyday loads that affect the skin and the products with which the desired result would be most likely to be achieved.

So contact us if you need help choosing products or using them!

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Impure skin set

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13.03.2025 €83,08 EUR
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Impure skin set
Regular price €103,85 €83,08
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More about the product

A cleansing, refreshing and soothing skin care set for impure skin

No other discount codes can be used with the set discount.

The skin care set for impure skin contains gentle but effective cleansing, pimple prevention and moisturizing products for daily care of impure skin.

Unclean skin often has e.g. pimples and blackheads. Impure skin can often also produce too much sebum, so the skin becomes greasy easily.

In the treatment of impure skin, the most important thing is products that clean effectively, but gently, as well as skin care products that also restrain the formation of new impurities.

Our expertise as developers of skin care products suitable for sensitive skin is top class, because I myself, the developer of our products, have very sensitive, dry and atopic eczema skin. In this skin care set, you will find skin care products for impure skin that are preferred and praised by our customers. See the end for easy instructions for your daily skin care routine.


Tea tree soap approx. 105g

Rose-Aloe facial lotion 150ml

Jojoba Oil & Tea Tree Facial Oil


When washing impure skin, the most important thing is products that clean effectively, but gently, as well as skin care products that also restrain the formation of new impurities.

  • Clean the skin with antibacterial and moisturizing Tea Tree Soap, which cleans the skin effectively. The antiseptic tea tree essential oil contained in the soap helps prevent skin inflammations and infections.
  • After washing, spray the brightening and balancing Rose-Aloe facial water to bring important water moisture to the facial skin and gently press it into your skin.
  • Finally, lightly massage Argan Roseberry Luxury face oil all over your skin. The heat helps the skin care products to be absorbed and the light massage increases the blood circulation of your skin and with it the supply of nutrients to your skin.


  1. Wet your face with lukewarm water.
  2. Dip the washcloth, dab some soap on it, dip the washcloth again and squeeze out the excess water, wipe the face gently all over, avoid getting the soap in the eyes.
  3. Rinse with plenty of lukewarm water. Avoid warm water, as it causes the pores to expand.
  4. Moisturize your face after washing with face water and moisturizer.


It is useful to exfoliate impure skin from time to time. Acai & Gojimarja micro-exfoliation contains Fuller's earth clay with detox effects, which absorbs impurities from the skin and helps remove dead skin cells, microbes and other residues from the skin. The gently exfoliating microscopic pumice grains remove dead skin cells, clean the skin pores and help clean the skin.

The activated charcoal mask absorbs excess oiliness and dirt from the skin, making the skin look brighter. Activated carbon is a well-tolerated ingredient that is suitable not only for oily skin, but also for sensitive, dry and combination skin. The sunflower oil in the mask contains vitamins A, C, D and E, which help reduce redness and swelling of the skin and prevent the clogging and expansion of skin pores.

See all cleansing and natural skin care products suitable for impure skin here


Saaren Taika products provide precise help for impurities

Deep cleansing of the skin with Saaren Taika products

How do I get rid of blackheads?

A big part of the production of natural cosmetics is an essential and big part of the structure of the skin and knowing the function of its different layers. This also involves identifying the signs of the most common skin diseases, the mechanism by which diseases occur, and cause and effect relationships. The knowledge of the functioning of the skin together with the knowledge of the working mechanisms of different raw materials gives us an excellent basis to help with various skin disorders.

Sometimes the condition of the skin can also be affected by other factors, such as diet, medication, stress or an illness, in which case a more comprehensive reflection is needed on what are the causes of the condition of the skin and what are the best ways to influence those causes in order to get the benefit that is expected from the skin care products.

It is important to contact us directly if you have a skin problem for which no help has been found. In this case, we are best able to map out the individual situation, so that we can examine the everyday loads that affect the skin and the products with which the desired result would be most likely to be achieved.

So contact us if you need help choosing products or using them!

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Juulia Y.
Finland Finland

Teepuusaippua on aivan loistava kasvojen epäpuhtauksiin. Mulla se on ainaki auttanut tosi paljon kaikkiin näppylöihin ja epätasaisuuteen. Jojobaöljyssä on vähän liian vahva tuoksu, mutta se ei haittaa.

Noora P.
Finland Finland

Vihdoinkin sopiva ihonhoitotuote

Epäpuhtaudet ovat lähteneet häviämään, mustapäät, finnit yms.. Kasvojen punoituskin on mielestäni vähentynyt kun olen tätä käyttänyt.

Finland Finland

Hyvä setti

Tämä epäpuhtaan ihon hoitosetti on ollut minulla käytössä nyt pari viikkoa. Iho tuntuu kosteutetummalta ja pintakuivuus on kadonnut. Aika näyttää, mikä vaikutus tuotteilla on näppyihin. Teepuu saippuan ja ruusukasvoveden tuoksut ovat ehdottomasti mieleiset! Kasvoöljyn tuoksu ihan ok, vaatii itseltä hieman totuttelua, mutta ei missään nimessä huonoimmasta päästä sekään. Tuotteita ei kulu yhdellä käyttökerralla paljoa, joten ovat varmasti melko riittoisia.

Janette J.
Finland Finland

Epäpuhtaan ihon setti

Tuotteet ovat toimivia ja hyvän tuoksuisia. Ei pahaa sanottavaa. Poskipäillä olleet näppylät katosivat parin päivän käytön jälkeen. Hintansa väärti oleva paketti.

Aada K.
Finland Finland

Epäpuhtaan ihon setti - Todella hyvä!

Tuotteet ovat mukavan tuoksuisia, helppo käyttää ja eivät kuivata ihoa ollenkaan, kaiken lisäksi todella nopea toimitus! Suuri suositus kaikille!

Saaren Taika Shop Impure skin set Review


You have challenging skin, we have the solution. That's exactly why we exist.


Verified review

Hi! My adult daughter has really bad Psoriasis. I ordered her Chamomile Shea Butter, which I used. I have also used Veera Salt Soap. The picture before use was taken in February. The picture after use is now in March. The spots have lightened and the best thing is that the skin is not tight but elastic and the itching has clearly decreased. My daughter said that she threw this cream away!

Verified review

Hi! I have suffered from atopic dermatitis for about 7 years. From time to time something causes an inflammation and my face glows red. I heard about your tea tree soap from a friend and decided to try it. At first the soap didn't seem to help, but when I kept using it, the inflammation subsided and it slowly started to heal. I don't think I dare not use it anymore! Here are the before and after pictures: Before 3.7. and after 20.8.

Verified review

Before and after photos of our product tester after using the new certified natural cosmetics line Saaren Taika Natural Rose Water and Rosehip Camellia Face Cream for 2 weeks.