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Plastic-free driving for men and women!

Verified customer feedback:

" The absolute best product for shaving with soap. It reminds me of my teenage years in the 80s when I shaved with my dad's razor. I was skeptical about the soap at first, but I'm sure I'll use both products for the rest of my life." -Satu L.

" The eco-razor is really sharp , good and even beautiful and the shaving soap smells good and lathers well." -Tiina S.

1pc Eco planer + 10 blades

Download PDF manual here

The Saaren Taika Ecolution eco-razor is suitable for all types of shaving. It is equipped with a weighted head, which allows the blade to glide effortlessly and precisely over your skin.

When using a weighted razor, you don't need to use force to press the blade into your skin. Simply grip the handle lightly with your fingertips and let the razor glide smoothly over your skin, leaving a clean, even cut every time.

Over 2 trillion disposable razors end up in landfills every year! Eco-razor helps you get rid of one of the most common plastic items in your life.

Your razor comes with 10 replacement blades. The excellent double blades are platinum-coated and adhere tightly to your razor, giving you a close shave and smooth skin time after time.

An added advantage of a traditional razor is the gap between the blade and the body, which allows hair to escape from the end of the blade instead of getting stuck between the blades, as can often happen when shaving with disposable razors.

Use together with Saari Taika Shaving Soap !

1pc Safety Razor + 10 blades (Tea tree soap and wooden box are purchased separately)

You can find replacement blades here

Made of stainless steel, nickel-free

Manufacturer: Saaren Taika

Search terms: razor, razor, safety razor, eco-razor

Get money by recycling empty packaging, download the Bower recycling app!

Saari Taika products now have a deposit! Take advantage of the deposit feature with the Bower smartphone app and earn points that you can exchange for money, use for coupons, or even donate to a charity of your choice.

How does Bower recycling work?

1. Download the Bower app to your mobile phone

2. When your Saaren Taika product has worn out, scan the barcode on the packaging at home and sort it. Scan the barcodes when you are ready to recycle.

3. Go to your nearest recycling point. Add your own bin or local recycling point to the Bower app if you can't find them on the map.

4. Redeem and redeem your points. Verify your location in the app. You will be rewarded with points or money to transfer to your bank account, donate to charity, or get a discount on your future purchases.

Eco-Shaver Shaver/Shaver White + 10 blades, for women and men, plastic-free - Saaren Taika Ecolution

The Saaren Taika Ecolution eco planer is suitable for all types of driving. It is equipped with a weighted head, thanks to which the blade glides effortlessly and precisely on your skin.

Confirmed customer feedback: "Smooth legs! Assembling the planer was easy.The planer shaved cleanly and did not have to be pressed against the skin at all.There were good instructions for using the planer."- Katja K.

✓ Ecological
✓ Plastic-free

In stock, delivery 1-2 business days
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Regular price €33,95
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Ekohöylä Sheivaaja/Höylä Valkoinen + 10 terää, naisille ja miehille, muoviton
Eco-Shaver Shaver/Shaver White + 10 blades, for women and men, plastic-free - Saaren Taika Ecolution
Regular price €33,95
Unit price
Tax included.
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Finnish online store & warehouse

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More about the product

Plastic-free driving for men and women!

Verified customer feedback:

" The absolute best product for shaving with soap. It reminds me of my teenage years in the 80s when I shaved with my dad's razor. I was skeptical about the soap at first, but I'm sure I'll use both products for the rest of my life." -Satu L.

" The eco-razor is really sharp , good and even beautiful and the shaving soap smells good and lathers well." -Tiina S.

1pc Eco planer + 10 blades

Download PDF manual here

The Saaren Taika Ecolution eco-razor is suitable for all types of shaving. It is equipped with a weighted head, which allows the blade to glide effortlessly and precisely over your skin.

When using a weighted razor, you don't need to use force to press the blade into your skin. Simply grip the handle lightly with your fingertips and let the razor glide smoothly over your skin, leaving a clean, even cut every time.

Over 2 trillion disposable razors end up in landfills every year! Eco-razor helps you get rid of one of the most common plastic items in your life.

Your razor comes with 10 replacement blades. The excellent double blades are platinum-coated and adhere tightly to your razor, giving you a close shave and smooth skin time after time.

An added advantage of a traditional razor is the gap between the blade and the body, which allows hair to escape from the end of the blade instead of getting stuck between the blades, as can often happen when shaving with disposable razors.

Use together with Saari Taika Shaving Soap !

1pc Safety Razor + 10 blades (Tea tree soap and wooden box are purchased separately)

You can find replacement blades here

Made of stainless steel, nickel-free

Manufacturer: Saaren Taika

Search terms: razor, razor, safety razor, eco-razor

Get money by recycling empty packaging, download the Bower recycling app!

Saari Taika products now have a deposit! Take advantage of the deposit feature with the Bower smartphone app and earn points that you can exchange for money, use for coupons, or even donate to a charity of your choice.

How does Bower recycling work?

1. Download the Bower app to your mobile phone

2. When your Saaren Taika product has worn out, scan the barcode on the packaging at home and sort it. Scan the barcodes when you are ready to recycle.

3. Go to your nearest recycling point. Add your own bin or local recycling point to the Bower app if you can't find them on the map.

4. Redeem and redeem your points. Verify your location in the app. You will be rewarded with points or money to transfer to your bank account, donate to charity, or get a discount on your future purchases.

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Outi L.

En saa höylää toimimaan

Olen tehnyt kaiken ohjeiden mukaan, ostin sheuvaussaippuankin, käänsin myös terän toisinkin päin, mutta terä ei vaan leikkaa. Useamman kerran olen suihkussa sitä testannut ja laadukkaasta olemuksestaan huolimatta koen hukkaostokseksi.


Saaren Taika Shop

Hei. Kiitos arvostelustasi. Todella harmillista ettei tuote ole toiminut toivotulla tavalla. Ekohöylän käyttö voi joskus vaatia muutaman "testiajon", jotta oikea tekniikka löytyy. On hyvä varmistaa, että ajettava alue on täysin märkä ja että terä on terävä. Ajojen lukumäärästä huolimatta terä on hyvä vaihtaa mikäli se on päässyt tylsistymään. Terä on hyvä huuhtoa kuuman veden alla ennen ajoa ja huuhtoa pää uudelleen muutaman vedon välein. Shaveria on hyvä pitää n. 30 ° kulmassa ihon pintaan nähden. Voit halutessasi olla yhteydessä asiakaspalveluumme


Eii miehille

Hyvää ja halpaa ei ole. Sopii EHKÄ naisten säärikarvoille mutta ei miesten parranajoon.

Satu H.


Hyvän tuntuinen seivaussaippuan kanssa.

Tiina S.

Aivan mahtava tuote

Ekohöylä on todella terävä, hyvä ja vielä kauniskin ja sheivaus/partasaippua tuoksuu hyvälle ja vaahtoaa hyvin.

Katja K.

Sileät sääret

Höylän kokoaminen oli helppoa. Höylä ajeli siististi eikä sitä pitänyt painaa ihoa vasten ollenkaan. Höylän käyttöön oli tehty hyvät ohjeet.


You have challenging skin, we have the solution. That's exactly why we exist.


Verified review

Hi! My adult daughter has really bad Psoriasis. I ordered her Chamomile Shea Butter, which I used. I have also used Veera Salt Soap. The picture before use was taken in February. The picture after use is now in March. The spots have lightened and the best thing is that the skin is not tight but elastic and the itching has clearly decreased. My daughter said that she threw this cream away!

Verified review

Hi! I have suffered from atopic dermatitis for about 7 years. From time to time something causes an inflammation and my face glows red. I heard about your tea tree soap from a friend and decided to try it. At first the soap didn't seem to help, but when I kept using it, the inflammation subsided and it slowly started to heal. I don't think I dare not use it anymore! Here are the before and after pictures: Before 3.7. and after 20.8.

Verified review

Before and after photos of our product tester after using the new certified natural cosmetics line Saaren Taika Natural Rose Water and Rosehip Camellia Face Cream for 2 weeks.