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Made from high-quality, primarily natural ingredients, this gentle dishwashing detergent contains probiotic bacteria that help maintain a good bacterial balance and loosen dirt.

Verified customer feedback:

" A wonderfully effective product that is gentle on hands. Mild scent. Made washing up more pleasant :)" -Noora R.

"Effective and fragrance-free dishwashing detergent. The best I've ever used. I recommend it to others. I liked it so much that I plan to use it in the future." -Stella L.

" It cleans dishes and is also fragrance-free, natural and vegan. Important things when you have small children and grandchildren." -Tuula J.

Fragrance-free dishwashing detergent takes care of both your dishes and your hands. Unscented dishwashing detergent is a good choice for those with sensitive skin and those who prefer mild and natural products.

Fragrance-free dishwashing liquid specially developed for sensitive skin. Approved by dermatologists and allergists.

Probiotics are live microbes that promote our health by maintaining a good bacterial population in the body. ⁠⁠

These same good bacteria are now also used in cosmetics and cleaning products, because everything that comes into contact with our skin also has an impact on our overall health. ⁠ ⁠

According to research, urbanized humanity is threatened by chronic diseases such as asthma, allergies, immune disorders and many others, all of which may be caused by an overly clean living environment and a lack of contact with nature. ⁠

With probiotic products, we help our skin create favorable living conditions for good microbes, which means that our skin has a good microbiome balance and there is no room for harmful bacteria that cause skin symptoms to thrive. Read more about probiotics on our website!

Usage: For everyday washing, add 2 ml (1/2 teaspoon) to 5 liters of water. For stubborn dirt, add 4 ml (1 teaspoon) to 5 liters of water.

To save water and energy, immerse dishes in water instead of washing them under the tap. Follow the dosage recommendations. Effective cleaning does not require large amounts of foam.

Size: 400ml

Ingredients: 5-15% anionic surfactants*, <5% nonionic surfactants*, <5% amphoteric surfactants*. Also contains: water, complexing agents, glycerol, salt, acidity regulator, microorganisms. *Plant-based surfactants. (1 cm2 )

The ingredient list may change. Please check the side of the packaging for the most up-to-date ingredient list.

The bottle is made of 100% recyclable plastic

Country of manufacture: Lithuania

Keywords: probiotic, dishwashing, unscented dishwashing detergent

Get money by recycling empty packaging, download the Bower recycling app!

Saari Taika products now have a deposit! Take advantage of the deposit feature with the Bower smartphone app and earn points that you can exchange for money, use for coupons, or even donate to a charity of your choice.

How does Bower recycling work?

1. Download the Bower app to your mobile phone

2. When your Saaren Taika product has worn out, scan the barcode on the packaging at home and sort it. Scan the barcodes when you are ready to recycle.

3. Go to your nearest recycling point. Add your own bin or local recycling point to the Bower app if you can't find them on the map.

4. Redeem and redeem your points. Verify your location in the app. You will be rewarded with points or money to transfer to your bank account, donate to charity, or get a discount on your future purchases.

55% off

Dishwashing liquid with probiotic ingredients, 400ml, Fragrance-free - Saaren Taika Ecolution

Made from high-quality, primarily natural ingredients, the gentle dishwashing detergent contains probiotic bacteria that help maintain a good bacterial balance and loosen dirt.

Fragrance-free dishwashing detergent takes care of both the dishes and your hands. Developed especially for sensitive skin. A product approved by dermatologists and allergy doctors.

Confirmed customer feedback: "Effective agent for every dish.A small amount loosens even the toughest dirt.Both at home and at the cottage, and the perfect housewarming gift for visiting the village." -Jaana P.

✓ Probiotic ingredients
✓ Gentle on the skin
✓ Fragrance-free
✓ Cleans effectively

In stock, delivery 1-2 business days
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Regular price €10,95 €4,95 55% off
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Alin 30 päivän hinta: €5,48 EUR

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15.03.2025 €4,95 EUR
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Astianpesuaine probioottisilla ainesosilla | Hajusteeton, Luonnollinen, Vegaaninen | Saaren Taika Ecolution
Dishwashing liquid with probiotic ingredients, 400ml, Fragrance-free - Saaren Taika Ecolution
Regular price €10,95 €4,95
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More about the product

Made from high-quality, primarily natural ingredients, this gentle dishwashing detergent contains probiotic bacteria that help maintain a good bacterial balance and loosen dirt.

Verified customer feedback:

" A wonderfully effective product that is gentle on hands. Mild scent. Made washing up more pleasant :)" -Noora R.

"Effective and fragrance-free dishwashing detergent. The best I've ever used. I recommend it to others. I liked it so much that I plan to use it in the future." -Stella L.

" It cleans dishes and is also fragrance-free, natural and vegan. Important things when you have small children and grandchildren." -Tuula J.

Fragrance-free dishwashing detergent takes care of both your dishes and your hands. Unscented dishwashing detergent is a good choice for those with sensitive skin and those who prefer mild and natural products.

Fragrance-free dishwashing liquid specially developed for sensitive skin. Approved by dermatologists and allergists.

Probiotics are live microbes that promote our health by maintaining a good bacterial population in the body. ⁠⁠

These same good bacteria are now also used in cosmetics and cleaning products, because everything that comes into contact with our skin also has an impact on our overall health. ⁠ ⁠

According to research, urbanized humanity is threatened by chronic diseases such as asthma, allergies, immune disorders and many others, all of which may be caused by an overly clean living environment and a lack of contact with nature. ⁠

With probiotic products, we help our skin create favorable living conditions for good microbes, which means that our skin has a good microbiome balance and there is no room for harmful bacteria that cause skin symptoms to thrive. Read more about probiotics on our website!

Usage: For everyday washing, add 2 ml (1/2 teaspoon) to 5 liters of water. For stubborn dirt, add 4 ml (1 teaspoon) to 5 liters of water.

To save water and energy, immerse dishes in water instead of washing them under the tap. Follow the dosage recommendations. Effective cleaning does not require large amounts of foam.

Size: 400ml

Ingredients: 5-15% anionic surfactants*, <5% nonionic surfactants*, <5% amphoteric surfactants*. Also contains: water, complexing agents, glycerol, salt, acidity regulator, microorganisms. *Plant-based surfactants. (1 cm2 )

The ingredient list may change. Please check the side of the packaging for the most up-to-date ingredient list.

The bottle is made of 100% recyclable plastic

Country of manufacture: Lithuania

Keywords: probiotic, dishwashing, unscented dishwashing detergent

Get money by recycling empty packaging, download the Bower recycling app!

Saari Taika products now have a deposit! Take advantage of the deposit feature with the Bower smartphone app and earn points that you can exchange for money, use for coupons, or even donate to a charity of your choice.

How does Bower recycling work?

1. Download the Bower app to your mobile phone

2. When your Saaren Taika product has worn out, scan the barcode on the packaging at home and sort it. Scan the barcodes when you are ready to recycle.

3. Go to your nearest recycling point. Add your own bin or local recycling point to the Bower app if you can't find them on the map.

4. Redeem and redeem your points. Verify your location in the app. You will be rewarded with points or money to transfer to your bank account, donate to charity, or get a discount on your future purchases.

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Marja-Leena N.


Erinomainen tuoksu ja hyvä käsitiskiaine

Aune M.


Olen tykästynyt tähän kasviperäisen konetiskitaplettiin, puhdasta tulee, eikä astiat haise pahalle niinkuin muissa konetiskiaineissa. Suosittelen

Elina H.

Astianpesuaine probioottisilla ainesosilla

Luottotuote.Ihana pehmeä koostumus,joka tekee tiskien pesemisestä miellyttävän..

Sirpa N.

Oli hurja varoitusteksti hellävaraiseksi mainitun tuotteen takana!

En uskalla kokeilla.


Saaren Taika Shop

Hei Sirpa ja kiitos viestistäsi! Kyseinen Saaren Taika Ecolution Probioottinen astianpesuaine ei ole luokiteltu vaaralliseksi suun, ihon tai hengitysteiden kautta saatuna. Tuote ei ärsytä ihoa tai silmiä eikä aiheuta syöpymistä. Tuote ei myöskään aiheuta allergisia reaktioita tai herkistymistä hengitysteissä. Lisäksi tuote ei ole myrkyllinen vesieliöille. Varoitusteksteistä yleisesti: Yleisesti tuotteen varoituslausekkeet perustuvat ainesosien vaaroihin sellaisenaan. Pesuaineissa nämä ainesosat ovat kuitenkin sekoitettu ja laimennettu, mikä vähentää niiden pitoisuuksia ja mahdollisia riskejä. Kemikaalit, kuten kodin pesuaineet, huonetuoksut ja löylytuoksut, pitää merkitä tietyllä tavalla Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston asetuksen mukaisesti. Vaikka kodin pesuaineemme perustuvat luonnollisiin ainesosiin, ne voivat silti aiheuttaa allergisia reaktioita. Siksi myös näihin tuotteisiin liittyy varoitusmerkintöjä ja turvallisuusohjeita, esimerkiksi seuraavista syistä: Tuote voi sisältää allergeeneja, vaikka se olisi luonnollinen. Varoitustekstit auttavat tunnistamaan nämä ainesosat. Liiallinen annostelu tai väärä käyttötarkoitus voi aiheuttaa haittoja. Varoitukset ohjeistavat oikean käytön. Jotkut pesuaineet voivat ärsyttää silmiä tai ihoa. Varoitukset kertovat, miten toimia vahingon sattuessa. Väärä hävittäminen voi vahingoittaa ympäristöä, vaikka tuote olisi biologisesti hajoava. Varoitukset opastavat oikean hävityksen. Toivottavasti tämä vastaus selvensi kemikaalien Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston asetusten mukaisia pakkausmerkintöjä. Mikäli Sinulle herää vielä kysymyksiä, olethan rohkeasti yhteydessä!

Emilia K.


Hyvä tuote, tulee kyllä jatkossakin ostettua täältä tiskiaine!


You have challenging skin, we have the solution. That's exactly why we exist.


Verified review

Hi! My adult daughter has really bad Psoriasis. I ordered her Chamomile Shea Butter, which I used. I have also used Veera Salt Soap. The picture before use was taken in February. The picture after use is now in March. The spots have lightened and the best thing is that the skin is not tight but elastic and the itching has clearly decreased. My daughter said that she threw this cream away!

Verified review

Hi! I have suffered from atopic dermatitis for about 7 years. From time to time something causes an inflammation and my face glows red. I heard about your tea tree soap from a friend and decided to try it. At first the soap didn't seem to help, but when I kept using it, the inflammation subsided and it slowly started to heal. I don't think I dare not use it anymore! Here are the before and after pictures: Before 3.7. and after 20.8.

Verified review

Before and after photos of our product tester after using the new certified natural cosmetics line Saaren Taika Natural Rose Water and Rosehip Camellia Face Cream for 2 weeks.