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Copy the skin care products that have helped with skin problems and get the Saaren Taika products more affordable in a set

"The breakage of the skin on the fingertips caused by hand washing and hand sanitizer has been fixed by changing the soap to Saaren Taia's Tea Tree Soap and using Kamomilla Shea Butter in the morning and evening."

Fingertips broken product set contains an effective, but gently cleansing antibacterial Tea Tree Soap and an itch-relieving Chamomile Shea Cream , which is suitable for soothing and repairing damaged skin.

"Our expertise as developers of skin care products suitable for sensitive skin is top class, because I myself, the developer of our products, have very sensitive, dry and atopic eczema skin." -Johanna, Saaren Taika product developer

In this skin care set, you will find the products that the customer who sent the photo used to help with broken fingertips. We have also received enormously good feedback from our other customers about the products in question in the treatment of damaged skin. See the end for easy instructions for your daily skin care routine!

Fingertips broken product set includes:

Tea tree soap 90g

Anti-itching Chamomile Shea cream 80ml

How do I treat my broken fingertips?

In the treatment of broken fingertips, products that soothe the skin and prevent inflammation, as well as promote skin regeneration, are important.

    • Cleanse the skin with antibacterial and moisturizing Tea Tree Soap, which helps prevent infections and skin dryness. Rinse with lukewarm water.
    • Apply soothing and skin-regenerating Chamomile Shea Cream to clean skin immediately after washing, when the skin is still slightly damp. The cream locks that water moisture in the skin and, when absorbed, carries the moisture with it to the deeper parts of the skin. This way the skin is moisturized deeper and longer!

    Read also:

    Chamomile Shea cream helps dry skin caused by constant hand washing

    Chamomilla Shea cream experiences

    Saaren Taika Ecolution liquid tea tree soap experiences

    Knowing the structure of the skin and the function of its different layers is a huge and essential part of the production of natural cosmetics. This also involves identifying the signs of the most common skin diseases, the mechanism by which diseases occur, and cause and effect relationships. The knowledge of the functioning of the skin together with the knowledge of the working mechanisms of different raw materials gives us an excellent basis to help with various skin disorders.

    Sometimes the condition of the skin can also be affected by other factors, such as diet, medication, stress or an illness, in which case a more comprehensive reflection is needed on what are the causes of the condition of the skin and what are the best ways to influence those causes in order to get the benefits that you expect from skin care products.

    It is important to contact us directly if you have a skin problem for which no help has been found. In this case, we are best able to map out the individual situation, so that we can examine the everyday loads that affect the skin and the products with which the desired result would be most likely to be achieved.

    So contact us if you need help choosing products or using them!

    20% off

    Fingertips broken skin care set, 100% natural, vegan - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮

    Sormenpäät halkeilee -tuotesetti

    ''Käsienpesun ja käsidesin aiheuttama sormenpäiden ihon rikkoutuminen on saatu kuntoon vaihtamalla saippua Saaren Taian Teepuusaippuaan ja käyttämällä aamuin illoin Kamomilla Sheavoidetta."

    Sormenpäät rikki -tuotesetti sisältää tehokkaasti, mutta hellävaraisesti puhdistavan antibakteerisen Teepuusaippuan sekä kutinaa hillitsevän Kamomilla Sheavoiteen, joka on omiaan rauhoittamaan sekä korjaamaan vaurioitunutta ihoa. 

    Tästä ihonhoitosetistä löydät tuotteet, josta kuvan lähettänyt käyttäjä on saanut avun rikkinäisiin sormenpäihin. Olemme saaneet myös muilta asiakkailtamme valtavasti hyvää palautetta kyseisistä tuotteista vaurioituneen ihon hoidossa. Katso lopusta helpot ohjeet päivittäiseen ihonhoitorutiiniin!

    Halkeilevat sormenpäät -tuotesetti sisältää:

    Teepuusaippua 90g
    Kutinaa hillitsevä Kamomilla Sheavoide 80ml

    Halkeilevat sormenpäät hoito:

    Halkeilevien sormenpäiden hoidossa tärkeää on ihon tilaa rauhoittavat ja tulehdusta ehkäisevät, sekä ihon uudistumista edistävät tuotteet.

    Puhdista iho antibakteerisella ja kosteuttavalla Teepuusaippualla, joka auttaa ehkäisemään tulehduksia sekä ihon kuivumista. Huuhtele haalealla vedellä. 

    Levitä rauhoittava ja ihon uudistumista edistävä Kamomilla Sheavoide puhtaalle iholle heti pesun jälkeen, kun iho on vielä hieman kostea. Voide lukitsee tuon vesikosteuden ihoon ja imeytyessään kuljettaa kosteuden mukanaan myös ihon syvempiin osiin. Näin iho kosteutuu syvemmin ja pitkäaikaisemmin!

    In stock, delivery 1-2 business days
    Regular price €72,90 €58,32 20% off
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    13.03.2025 €58,32 EUR
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    Sormenpäät halkeilee, syyt ja hoito
    Fingertips broken skin care set, 100% natural, vegan - Saaren Taika 🇫🇮
    Regular price €72,90 €58,32
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    More about the product

    Copy the skin care products that have helped with skin problems and get the Saaren Taika products more affordable in a set

    "The breakage of the skin on the fingertips caused by hand washing and hand sanitizer has been fixed by changing the soap to Saaren Taia's Tea Tree Soap and using Kamomilla Shea Butter in the morning and evening."

    Fingertips broken product set contains an effective, but gently cleansing antibacterial Tea Tree Soap and an itch-relieving Chamomile Shea Cream , which is suitable for soothing and repairing damaged skin.

    "Our expertise as developers of skin care products suitable for sensitive skin is top class, because I myself, the developer of our products, have very sensitive, dry and atopic eczema skin." -Johanna, Saaren Taika product developer

    In this skin care set, you will find the products that the customer who sent the photo used to help with broken fingertips. We have also received enormously good feedback from our other customers about the products in question in the treatment of damaged skin. See the end for easy instructions for your daily skin care routine!

    Fingertips broken product set includes:

    Tea tree soap 90g

    Anti-itching Chamomile Shea cream 80ml

    How do I treat my broken fingertips?

    In the treatment of broken fingertips, products that soothe the skin and prevent inflammation, as well as promote skin regeneration, are important.

      • Cleanse the skin with antibacterial and moisturizing Tea Tree Soap, which helps prevent infections and skin dryness. Rinse with lukewarm water.
      • Apply soothing and skin-regenerating Chamomile Shea Cream to clean skin immediately after washing, when the skin is still slightly damp. The cream locks that water moisture in the skin and, when absorbed, carries the moisture with it to the deeper parts of the skin. This way the skin is moisturized deeper and longer!

      Read also:

      Chamomile Shea cream helps dry skin caused by constant hand washing

      Chamomilla Shea cream experiences

      Saaren Taika Ecolution liquid tea tree soap experiences

      Knowing the structure of the skin and the function of its different layers is a huge and essential part of the production of natural cosmetics. This also involves identifying the signs of the most common skin diseases, the mechanism by which diseases occur, and cause and effect relationships. The knowledge of the functioning of the skin together with the knowledge of the working mechanisms of different raw materials gives us an excellent basis to help with various skin disorders.

      Sometimes the condition of the skin can also be affected by other factors, such as diet, medication, stress or an illness, in which case a more comprehensive reflection is needed on what are the causes of the condition of the skin and what are the best ways to influence those causes in order to get the benefits that you expect from skin care products.

      It is important to contact us directly if you have a skin problem for which no help has been found. In this case, we are best able to map out the individual situation, so that we can examine the everyday loads that affect the skin and the products with which the desired result would be most likely to be achieved.

      So contact us if you need help choosing products or using them!

      From real customers


      You have challenging skin, we have the solution. That's exactly why we exist.


      Verified review

      Hi! My adult daughter has really bad Psoriasis. I ordered her Chamomile Shea Butter, which I used. I have also used Veera Salt Soap. The picture before use was taken in February. The picture after use is now in March. The spots have lightened and the best thing is that the skin is not tight but elastic and the itching has clearly decreased. My daughter said that she threw this cream away!

      Verified review

      Hi! I have suffered from atopic dermatitis for about 7 years. From time to time something causes an inflammation and my face glows red. I heard about your tea tree soap from a friend and decided to try it. At first the soap didn't seem to help, but when I kept using it, the inflammation subsided and it slowly started to heal. I don't think I dare not use it anymore! Here are the before and after pictures: Before 3.7. and after 20.8.

      Verified review

      Before and after photos of our product tester after using the new certified natural cosmetics line Saaren Taika Natural Rose Water and Rosehip Camellia Face Cream for 2 weeks.