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Did you know that you can now recycle our packaging and earn points, namely Saaren Taika products now have a deposit!

Take advantage of the deposit feature for empty Saaren Taika packages using the BOWER smartphone app.

How does Bower recycling work?

  1. First download the Bower app to your mobile phone
  2. When your Saaren Taika product has worn out, scan the barcode on the packaging at home and sort it. Plastic containers, milk cans, metal cans – you can recycle anything with a barcode with Bower. Scan the barcodes when you're ready to recycle.
  3. Go to your nearest recycling point. Add your own bin or local recycling point to the Bower app if you can't find them on the map.
  4. Recycle and redeem your points. Verify your location in the app. You will be rewarded with points or money to transfer to your bank account, donate to charity or get a discount on your future purchases.